Bread makers
Bread makers

Breadmakers, under the aegis of Premium Breadmakers Association of Nigeria (PBAN), have begun a four-day warning strike over the rising cost of baking materials.

The duration of the strike action will be extended if the government fails to intervene, Babalola Thomas, the association’s spokesperson said in a statement sent to PREMIUM on Tuesday.

Mr Thomas said their bakeries are incurring a “huge loss” due to the continuous increase in baking materials and diesel.

He added that operating in an environment such as this is no longer sustainable.

“Bread is a staple food and one of the cheapest ‘grab and go’ food that is available for both the poor and rich. It, therefore, behoves the federal government to be mindful of this and ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry,” he said.

“In a move to ensure the survival of the Premium bread making industry in Nigeria, we have decided to embark on a withdrawal of services beginning from Thursday 21st July 2022 for four days in the first instance and where no intervention from the government, we shall escalate the duration of the withdrawal.


The association sought the government’s intervention to stop the 15 per cent “Wheat development levy on wheat import.”

“Request NAFDAC to review downwards the 154,000 naira penalty charged bakeries on late renewal of certificates,” Mr Thomas said.

“Grant members access to grants and soft loans being given by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to Minor, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs).

“Stoppage of multi-agencies regulation of the breadmaking industry.”

Mr Thomas further said that multiple meetings with the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Abuja (FMITI) in 2021 have not yielded any result.

“Therefore, the withdrawal of service is the only way we believe we can use to get to the Federal Government and Nigerians and let them know our plight and how difficult it has been with the breadmaking industry in Nigeria,” he said.


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